
Unit Testing

Unit Testing of a .NET Framework application in Visual Studio - MSTest, NUnit & xUnit

Unit Testing of a .NET Framework application in Visual Studio - MSTest, NUnit & xUnit

I am just documenting all my research and learning that I did to build my concepts regarding the Unit Testing of a .NET Framework application in Visual Studio using various Test Frameworks. I would be glad if this learning will be useful for you as well.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Unit Testing - Visual Studio Test Runner Skipping Unit Test Cases

Unit Testing - Visual Studio Test Runner Skipping Unit Test Cases

Yesterday when I was running my Unit Test Cases from Visual Studio Test Explorer, I found that few of my test cases have been skipped by Visual Studio. I wondered why it happened. Then I did some googling & found that it a piece of code in my Unit Test case which was causing Visual Studio Test Explorer to display status as Skipped instead of Completed.

Read More By Ankush Jain